This week, Club Chairman, Mr John O’ Sullivan accompanied by the Club Trustees and staff made a presentation to Mr Michael Spillane who recently retired.
Michael was Club Steward for Sunday’s Well for 29 years from 1991 – 2020. Michael arrived at Sunday’s Well with considerable experience as was outlined in this Irish Examiner profile in 2016. Since his arrival, he has been a fantastic servant of the club and always provided the warmest of welcomes to members and visitors alike. He was an intricate part of raising and setting the standards of service and hospitality in Sunday’s Well and whether it was training staff, organising a party or serving a coffee he always did so with the professional and friendly approach that we have all became accustomed too. Sunday’s Well was very lucky to have had Michael in the role of Club Steward for as long as we did. We will miss him and hope that he will continue to come to the bar from time to time (but this time staying on the other side of the counter!).
We wish both Michael and his wife Teresa a very happy retirement.