Sunday’s Well hosted another successful Munster Vets Open between from Friday 13th April – Sunday 15th April. The winners are listed on tournament software and there several photos of the event available on the Sunday’s Well Facebook page.

Sunday’s Well hosted another successful Munster Vets Open between from Friday 13th April – Sunday 15th April. The winners are listed on tournament software and there several photos of the event available on the Sunday’s Well Facebook page.
Well done to Abby Hayes’s Grade 1 team made up of Abby, Sean and Fiona O’Callaghan and Mick Hurley, who won the winter league finals held in Limerick Lawn recently. Also well done to Eileen Daly’s Grade 4 team who also reached the final and put up a tough fight against a very strong Nenagh team. A very big thank you to the supporters who travelled to Limerick.
What a Squash Irish Open we had this weekend. John Rooney former Irish Professional player from Galway won the men’s over 35 beating defending champion Keith Moran from Sligo, both pictured below. Neal Murphy from Nass successfully defended his over 40 title beating Dara O’Flynn from Fitzwilliam in Dublin 3-1 in the final. Well done to Sundays Well for hosting this prestigious Tournament and to Johnny Hurley as Tournament Director.
With the last few days being extremely snowy, some of our junior members have been having plenty of fun in the Snow. Check out their efforts in our facebook album.
On February 22nd a table quiz was held in the club, half the proceeds of the quiz went to Marymount Hospice, while the other half went to the Club Social Fund. The table quiz was fully booked and was won by Kevin McCarthy’s team alpha. A huge thank you to the Social Committee for their organisation and John Coulter who was an excellent quizmaster on the night.
The junior tennis information night that was held at the beginning of January was very well attended. We had over 40 parents attend on the night and it was great to see such enthusiasm. The evening gave an overview of the club’s junior tennis offerings, the agenda covered items such as who is who in Junior tennis, what activities are available and how to join, how parents can get involved. It finished with the coaches giving a demo of various drills that parents can do with kids. A handout summarising…
The role of the tennis committee is to organise the tennis events that happen throughout the year, for example, the Munster Senior Open and other smaller internal events such as the Internal Winter League are all run by the Tennis Committee. The tennis committee is not an elected body, it is made up of volunteers often recruited by the Tennis Captain when their term begins (at the AGM in end of Feb). The tennis captain chairs the tennis committee and reports back to the General Committee once a month.
The Junior Committee help manage and organise events aimed at junior members. They are a very important part of the club and events such as the Family Fun Day, Santa Party and Junior Close simply could not happen without them.The Committee meets 4 or 5 times a year in advance of the junior events. The Junior Committee is not an elected committee and so is possible for members to get involved at any time of year. If you would like to get involved with the committee please email
The social committee has the task of deciding and organising club social events. Events such as the Munster Senior Open Barbeque or new members night are the responsibility of the Social Committee. In addition to this, they often organise a number of ad hoc smaller social events throughout the year. The Social Committee is not an elected committee and so is possible for members to get involved at any time of year. If you would like to get involved with the committee please contact the office.
The Coaching Review Committee is a group of volunteers who help specifically with the organisation and management of Coaches and Coaching activities. The Committee meets once a month and the chair of the Coaching Review Committee sits on and reports to the Club’s General Committee every month.
The general committee meets monthly and oversees the general running of the club. It is an elected committee, members are elected to the committee at the AGM in February. Once elected, the general committee selects the Club Chairman and the Club Treasurer. The tennis, squash and snooker captains, along with chairs from some of the other committees all sit and report to the general committee. A list of current committee members can be obtained from the downloads page of this website.
The Club Management Committee is made up of three people, the Club Manager, the Chairman and the Treasurer. The Committee meets approximately once a month and is responsible for the day to day management of the club, all three members also sit on the General Committee.